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Teachers & Schools

a whole new world

Working with schools and other educational institutions in the United States and Japan, Pacific Reach organizes, coordinates, and leads tours for students of all ages. These tours are designed with an emphasis on language study and cross-cultural learning experiences and are tailored to fit the needs and wants of the students, teachers, and parents involved. Without firsthand experience of the culture, foreign language, learning can seem a bit abstract for the students. Japanese can become almost a 'secret code' that they share only with fellow students and their teacher. One of our aims is to help you add context and experience to your curriculum, connecting what the students are learning to people they have met and to a place they have been.

customize your program

We work directly with teachers and parents to build a program that fits the goals and budget of everyone involved. We strive to put together a trip that includes everything you want, and leaves out the rest. Generally operating from a framework that includes school visits, home-stay and sightseeing, we are flexible and open to whatever changes or expansions you'd like to add. We can recommend sights and activities that have been popular with our travelers in the past, or explore new places that you think belong on the itinerary. Trips can be long or short, and can include anything you think would be valuable. Some trips have focused on art and performance, while others have highlighted specific eras in Japanese history. Most, however, cover a wide range of activities, opportunities and lessons, giving students a general overview of everything Japan has to offer. 

To find out more about the kind of program we can build for you, or to let us know what you already have in mind, contact us and we will set up a time and place for a free consultation, in person at school or over the phone. 

sit back & relax

Once we have an itinerary that suits your needs, we do the rest of the work (this seems to be the part of our programs that teachers like best). In the early stages, we are happy to come speak to students and parents at school to get them on board and hear what they hope to get out of the trip.

what we'll manage

  • ALL the paperwork: issuing and collecting applications & tour fees

  • ALL communications: this includes the host schools & host families.
    We make sure the students, parents and teachers are kept up to date on the developments.  

  • ALL the details: any necessary meetings, reservations, & bookings.
    We send the letters, make the calls, and answer the mail.

final steps

Shortly before each trip, we hold a detailed orientation for all students, parents, teachers and chaperones involved. We make sure that everyone is fully prepared, completely informed, comfortable about the trip and excited about what's ahead. Additionally, you can download all of your trip information straight from our site.

Once the trip is underway, we go into high gear. We are with the group 24/7, every step of the way. Our coordinators carry the tickets and the passports, set meeting times and places, make sure we get our trains and buses on time, ensure that everyone is fed and rested, keep the folks back home informed of our progress, and generally see to it that the group is safe and where they need to be.

Your job

Parents and students alike are most at ease when their teacher is on the trip. And we find most teachers are eager to tag along, or even lead. And of course, the occasional help counting heads in the train station or passing out room keys is always appreciated. To this end, teachers with their students travel for free on our programs.